A Pair of Translucent Green Pi Xiu (P80010)
Burmese Grade A Jadeite
Weight: 63.68g
Price is in USD
Tian Lu (天禄) aka Pi Xiu (貔貅) is one of the celestial beings besides the Dragon (龙), Phoenix (凤), Tortoise (龟) and Qilin (麒麟). According to ancient history, Tian Lu (天禄) aka Pi Xiu (貔貅) is the Ninth Son of the Dragon and it is an auspicious and powerful celestial creature that brings good fortune. It is believed that once you possess a Pixiu, it will help you to attract and accumulate wealth and that is the reason why it is the most popular Feng Shui enhancer.
1. If you place a Pi Xiu at home, the best place is to place the Tian Lu (天禄) in your living room facing the main door or window. This is because it will protect your family by warding off all the Evil or Bad Sha Qi trying to come into your house.
2. For offices, you can place a Tian Lu (天禄) on your desk or in a cabinet facing the entrance to your office cubicle, the main door or your office door. It gives a sense of authority and your clients will be unconsciously obliged to listen to you and you will be in a position that allows you to call the shots. It also helps in career progression for the owner that possesses it. It is good to touch your Tian Lu (天禄) once in a while, talk to it, tell it that you are going for important appointments or traveling abroad and ask it to protect/help you.
3. Offer a cup of water in front of Pi Xiu which cannot live without water, because it is a son of Dragon King. Make sure the water is not higher than Pi Xiu's head.